Book Reviews: Hear No Evil, Citizen Science, and The Grey Star
A sort of rapid-fire round of book reviews this week, thanks to Christmas reading!1. Be the Change: Saving the World Through Citizen Science by Chanda Clarke Though short (33 PDF pages), this was very readable and informative–it’s designed to teach the principles of citizen science/crowdsourced science to people who have never heard of it before. Now, I’d heard the term before and had vaguely positive associations, but couldn’t explain it to you if you asked me....
Read MoreConflict-free, Fair Trade, and 3D Printed: How Consumer Electronics can be made Ethical and Ecofriendly
As a writer, I’m acutely aware that my chosen profession is not exactly eco-friendly. Many trees have died for my journals and publications–although a handful of books are now being printed on recycled plastic, making them both waterproof and a potential solution to overcrowded landfills–and it seems like even when I move away from hard copies poor planet earth can’t win. To say nothing of the conflict minerals that go into phones, computers, and other electronics. So I...
Read MoreDancing to Replace PowerPoint: A Modest Proposal
I confess it, I’m a TED Talk fan–the videos are short enough to appeal to my attention span, interesting enough to make me feel smart of watching them, and free–and this is now one of my favorites. If you also enjoy modest proposals, the Onion Talks are excellent,...
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