Daily Science Fiction is hosting a Kickstarter Campaign to pay authors for their short fiction published for the next six months, September 2013-March 2014.
Among rewards including omnibus anthologies, gourmet chocolate, and a crocheted Cthulhu, you can also sign up for a critique from Yours Truly of a short story (they say up to 5,000 words, but I wouldn’t complain about longer, either)! See the details for Daily Science Fiction’s Fall 2013 campaign here.
On the topic of Kickstarter campaigns and critiques, the campaign for the Starter Guide for Professional Writers has breezed past its original goal–made it more than 4x over, in fact–and is just $130 shy of the Stretch Goal. If the campaign raises $1,000, I’ll have enough financial leeway to offer a half-off deal on any manuscript critiques to all my Kickstarter funders. There’s a little less than a week yet to get it on that.
A last piece of news: if you check out my ‘Contact’ page on the right sidebar, you’ll now see an embedded MailChimp form allowing you to sign up for email alerts on the publication of my short stories, books, or just life in general.
Plans for the weekend: Well, I’ve spent the past week touring subleases in DC, and there are one or two I really like and am following up on. Fingers crossed! And then it’s on to the job search in August and September!